Hyperfemininity in MtF transgender people

Hyperfemininity is an exaggerated adherence to a feminine gender role as it relates to heterosexual relationships. — Sarah K. Murnen & Donn Byrne (1991) I love to start my articles with disclaimers, and this one will not be different. I’m not an expert in feminist theory, and not even qualified to be […]

Most disturbing, sir!

If the title baffles you, it means you’re not a fan of P. G. Wodehouse — probably Britain’s best comic writer of the 20th century, and most definitely its most prolific writer (he wrote almost a hundred novels!). Ironically, I just stumbled across him some years ago on Project Gutenberg — […]

International conference on transgender issues: Lisbon, June 14-15, 2016

I should have announced this before, but… there is going to be an international conference on transgender issues, organized by the TRANSRIGHTS Europe project, on June 14 and 15, 2016 (from 9:30 AM to 8 PM), in Lisbon (Portugal), hosted by the Institute for Social Sciences of the Lisbon University, held at the Auditorium […]

Crazy Thursday

At some point last year — I cannot exactly say when — I looked at myself in the mirror for the umpteeth time and thought, ‘Ugh, I look terrible — I look less and less like a woman!’ It shouldn’t come as a surprise: every time I gain some weight, […]

The Quest for Becoming the Perfect Woman

Let me tell you about my recent experiences with some of my friends who are in transition, or may even have completed them. I shall name no names, of course; and although I try to be neutral about these situations, I’m a biased observer. And I’m only going to cover […]

'25 de Abril' Tagus Bridge by Alvesgaspar - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6450950

Building Bridges

The old Roman emperors, between Julius Caesar and the beginning of the Christian rule, had as one of their titles Pontifex Maximus, a title which later was used by the head of the Church of Rome. Even today it is one of the titles of the Pope; His Holiness uses @pontifex […]

DIY Undergarment Fixing

Remember the awesome hip & butt enhancing undergarment that I bought two years ago from Classic Curves International? Well, if you know me personally, you know that I never leave my home without my Veronica 5. As I now tell everybody, ‘if it was good enough for Caitlyn Jenner, then it’s […]

Towards a new taxonomy of crossdressers

Warning: This text is still undergoing minor revisions. Stay tuned! — Sandra   As I write these lines, the community has been enrichened by Jack Molay’s publishing of a Creative Crossdreamer Vocabulary. Jack deserves my heartfelt congratulations for this seminal work in establishing a lot of terms and definitions used by the […]

Mind Constructs and their Pitfalls

As I sit drinking some hot lemon tea at an esplanade in my home town, Lisbon, a gentle rain is falling, turning the whole day grey. It’s not a day for joy and happiness and radiant news. Rather, it’s a day for being introspective. If you live in Brazil or […]