Both the transgender world but also the mainstream have widely reported on the coming out of Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, world-famous Olympics decathlon champion, and stepfather to the Kardashians, thanks to a very well-planned ‘marketing stunt’, with a ‘teaser’ interview back in April and now the release […]
Yearly Archives: 2015
Every now and then, I enjoy being a little more controversial than usual. This comes often from discussions, either online or in the real world, which trigger my irreverent side. I keep thinking about a certain issue or topic that nags at me, like an itch that doesn’t go away, and […]
A recent article on Crossdreamers by Joanna Santos discussed the issue about arousal when dealing with gender dysphoria, explaining how sexual orientation was so erroneously interpreted by Blanchard’s very misguided theory, and how the newer generations of transgendered people view their identity, their gender presentation, their sexual preferences and their […]
Jerome K. Jerome in his book Three Man in a Boat gives a hilarious example of how a lay person, without proper medical training, can easily get fooled and become hypochondriac. The narrator in that book walks into a library and looks at a book listing all diseases with its symptoms, and […]
Not so much time ago, two people with different backgrounds — psychology and sociology — asked me the same question: do I identify myself as female or as male? The question seems simple enough to answer! Nevertheless, I gave an unusual answer.
The recent weeks have changed completely the way I face my crossdressing urges, thanks to my wife’s change of mind. This opened up a lot of new possibilities, but, at the same time, it also opened up a Pandora’s Box of potential nightmares. And, of course, it hasn’t brought ultimate happiness.
Saying that I’m ecstatic is to really underestimate my current feelings. I’ve transcended euphoria 🙂 Or, well, to be honest, I didn’t; but I certainly will relish March 28th, 2015, as a date to be remembered forever… Indulge me for a moment as I step forward into the basking glow […]
In my country’s crossdresser/transgender community, the current ‘hot’ topic of discussion is around crossdressing as a form of fetishism, and how to ‘educate’ the public about the different forms of crossdressing. And as you can read in my most recent entries, this is something that I give a lot of […]
This week has been, for me, incredibly intense. For the first time, during Carnival, my wife explicitly allowed me to go out in plain daylight to visit a friend; a few weeks later — now completely outside the Carnival season — also for the first time, she also let me […]
Carnival. That’s the season in the year where anybody can dress as they wish and nobody will even look twice at you. It is the equivalent of Halloween in the Anglo-Saxonic world, without the gothic overtones.